WWE: 10 Ways To Address Raw Ratings Disaster

8. Encourage The Industry

vinceandstonecold The WWE is the wrestling industry. Independent foreign and domestic wrestling events exist, but they are of such little consequence to WWE that Vince McMahon probably doesn't even realize it. Even TNA is doubtful to be on McMahon's radar, Impact Wrestling is like a grain of sand compared to Vince's Mount Everest. The lack of competition means WWE can pretty much present whatever they want and still get decent viewing numbers. Of course quality is going to suffer when you can get away with cutting so many corners. It's natural for the creative team to relax into complacency, they no longer have WCW demanding they do their very best work to grab audience share. Vince McMahon was at his very best when WCW was there to remind him he needed to be firing on all cylinders. Nothing exists to provoke McMahon anymore. It would be stupid of Vince to give himself some competition. But it would be sensible to help develop the industry somewhat. He has done it before - he helped ECW out in the 90's with advice, promotion and finances. In turn, Vince also ended up learning from ECW, and much of the "Attitude Era" was spun off Paul Heyman innovations. WWE should look to develop a similar relationship with Ring of Honor, the spiritual successor to ECW. Part of me suspects they may already have a very loose understanding going on. Just look at two of the top guys right now, Punk and Bryan, ROH veterans. WWE should pursue this relationship further, give ROH some Raw promotion, help them out with production and finance. Learn what is working at the grass roots level. It can't hurt Raw, it can only help it.
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