WWE: 10 Ways Triple H Has Made Himself The Hottest Heel In Wrestling

7. Not Doing His Own Dirty Work

With The Authority becoming a focal point of WWE programming, Triple H set about recruiting some more muscle. The Hounds of Justice (ironically) got on board, while Kane rebranded himself as Corporate Kane and became known as the Director of Operations. He and The Shield worked together to do their boss' dirty work, taking out all who stood in The Game's way €“ including the likes of The Big Show, CM Punk and, of course, Daniel Bryan. All the while, Triple H refrained from getting physically involved himself. With fans all too aware of what he's capable of in the ring, this sudden inactivity was a something of a sign of cowardice. His explanation was that he was bound by his position as COO, but really this was just an excuse of having other do his bidding for him. Relying on The Shield and Kane and failing to face up to matters himself was never going to earn Triple H respect €“ and in fact it achieved the exact opposite.

Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.