WWE: 10 Ways Triple H Has Made Himself The Hottest Heel In Wrestling

8. Making Shawn Michaels Turn As Well

This may seem a little farfetched, but if it wasn't for Triple H's interference at Hell in a Cell then Shawn Michaels would never have screwed Daniel Bryan over. Having failed to bully Michaels into costing Bryan the match, The Game took to the ring and ended up tangling with the bearded one. This resulted in Bryan downing Triple H with a knee to the head, which in turn prompted Michaels to play some Sweet Chin Music and gift Randy Orton the victory. Sure, Bryan could have avoided such trouble if he hadn't reacted to Triple H's interference. But ultimately, it was the latter's friendship which forced Michaels to stand up for his former DX ally and exact revenge on Bryan. Thus, thanks to Triple H, Daniel Bryan was robbed of another title reign, while the WWE Universe was robbed of one of their favourite babyfaces. It may have been Shawn who technically pulled the proverbial trigger, but it was Triple H's involvement that had pushed him to do so.

Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.