WWE: 10 Worst Gimmicks Of All Time

2. Hornswoggle

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiOqP0eNoq4 I was born and raised in Dublin but the fact that he's not even Irish (born in Wisconsin) or that he was billed 'At the end of the Rainbow' has nothing to do with his inclusion here. Alright, so maybe a little, but there's still a few more very good reasons to include him. Hornswoggle made his debut as the partner of Finlay (Dave Batista, also not Irish) and quickly established himself under the gimmick of a leprechaun. Initially he was viewed as an irritant, until he helped Finlay win a title, performing what would then be called a "Lepreton Bomb" and officially be one of the worst puns ever used in WWE History. Hornswoggle proved he could wrestle (or maybe he didn't) when he won the WWE Cruiserweight Championship - in a move akin to the storyline given to Gillberg in 1999 - and then went on to have an even more astonishing story, claiming that he could be Vince McMahon's illegitimate child. Personally I think it would have been funnier to see Triple H in that position and he and Stephanie explain to the children that Mom and Dad weren't actually related it was all just pretend. To make matters worse it later turned out that HW was actually the son of Finlay, but only after Mr McMahon had beaten him with a leather belt, much akin to what he no doubt used to raise Shane all those years beforehand. If this wasn't bad enough it was his association with DX - one of the longest standing credible factions in the WWE - that puts him squarely on this list. There was no reason why the WWE needed to recruit a man who looked like a miniature Triple H to stand between him and Shawn Michaels while they bought grabbed their crotch. D Generation X, surely, would have had more genuinely offers for real members if the others had retired by that point? We hope, whatever he's doing now, that he recovers from his injuries sustained in January and decides never to return to the WWE. For all our sakes.
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First studied Journalism in Ireland in 2003, returning to Sunderland University on the tenth anniversary of my first studies in the subject to continue towards an MA. Interested in all sorts including WWE, Music, Film, TV and Games. Has travelled around a bit to places like California, Ontario and Mexico and plans to do more of the same soon again. Recently I've been writing pieces on my favourite topics which have included obscure theme music from nostalgic shows, Guns N' Roses and a few other surprises I'll be happy to share in time!