WWE: 11 Reasons Brock Lesnar Breaking The Streak Is Justified

4. Brock Has Moderately Strong Ties To WWE

It's common knowledge that Brock Lesnar left WWE €“ and actually sued them €“ and followed it up with a highly successful MMA career in UFC, but that all seems to be water under the bridge. Brock Lesnar is seemingly a guy that both Vince McMahon and Undertaker currently have a strong relationship with and essentially trust with holding the honors of being the man that broke the streak. Sure, he's only working a part-time gig, but he isn't backing out of his contracts. Even more surprisingly, he's actually consistently renewing them. The backlash towards CM Punk quitting without fulfilling his contract isn't outspoken, but it definitely exists below the surface of WWE programming. Their attitude is to effectively erase him from history whilst refusing to acknowledge him going forward, outside of when they absolutely needed to in the most recent Chicago episode of Raw. If Punk had been given the streak last year the backlash would most certainly have reached new heights and come across as a mountainous creative disaster for WWE. This is why that as tempting as it sounds to take a chance and give someone like Bray Wyatt the streak, it's a risk WWE can't afford taking. For all WWE knows, Bray Wyatt could end up in TNA in a few years with the accolade of having broken the streak, which would easily be the ultimate worst-case scenario and spit in the face to Vince McMahon and The Undertaker. The streak was only going to be broken by someone unpredictable that the company trusts, and that man was Brock Lesnar; his UFC career is done and the chances of him signing with TNA are absolutely zero.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.