WWE: 11 Reasons Brock Lesnar Breaking The Streak Is Justified

3. Brock Can Take The Heat

Not long after the initial shock of the streak being no more, audible chants of "Bulls***" and other obscenities were hurled in the direction of Brock Lesnar. Realistically, this scenario probably would have happened regardless of the support level behind whoever the would-be streak breaker was. Sure, WWE fans are undoubtedly behind a guy like Bray Wyatt, but it's one hell of a gamble to have him defeat Taker and hope the reactions are naturally positive. Meanwhile, Brock Lesnar is an interesting case because while he doesn't necessarily love being a professional wrestler, he's a well-respected worker that undoubtedly doesn't care if fans hate him or not. His emotional investment in professional wrestling just doesn't run that deep, and while on the surface that sounds like a bad thing, it's actually one of the strongest traits for selecting not just a wrestler, but a character fit for such a controversial win. It's undeniable that breaking the streak would give any character heel heat, but in the case of Brock Lesnar it's the heel heat that goes hand-in-hand with his persona both on-screen and off-screen.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.