WWE: 12 Most Controversial WrestleMania Moments Ever

3. Vinnie Turns On Rocky - WrestleMania 2000

In an extremely entertaining fatal four-way elimination match for the WWF Championship, that pitted Triple H, Big Show, Mick Foley and The Rock against one another, each with a member of the McMahon family in their corners. The champion, Hunter, was with Stephanie McMahon, Big Show had Shane McMahon, Foley had Linda, and The Rock was with longtime ally, Vince McMahon. All three competitors attacked Show, which lead to The Rock eliminating him, and then Foley was pinned by Hunter thanks to a Pedigree onto a steel chair, setting up a brawl between Triple H and The Rock that had no obvious advantage taken by either. The game changer came when Vince McMahon turned on his own man, hitting The Rock with a steel chair twice, turning himself heel and allowing Hunter to win, followed by some ceremonial vengeance by Rocky on the majority of the McMahon clan, though the damage had, controversially, already been done.

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