WWE: 12 Most Controversial WrestleMania Moments Ever

2. Stone Cold Turns Heel At Home - WrestleMania X-7

Given that WrestleMania X-7 was hosted in Texas, it was already likely that Stone Cold Steve Austin was going to play a major part, but the revelation wasn't quite what fans might have expected. Austin took on The Rock for the WWF Championship in one of the most enduring rivalry in industry history, the pair putting on an entertaining match that ended in controversy when the Rattlesnake turned heel in his own backyard. Somewhat inevitably, Vince McMahon appeared and was attacked by The Rock, before unbelievably handing a steel chair to Austin, and building a bridge between the two fiercest rivals of the era, turning Austin heel, and hitting The Rock with 16 bruising chair shots for good measure. So what could possibly beat Austin's turn as the most controversial moment in WrestleMania history?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.