WWE: 12 Most Controversial WrestleMania Moments Ever

1. Bret Hart Goes Bad - WrestleMania 13

It could only be one moment. When WrestleMania 13 kicked off, Bret Hart was the biggest face int he company, universally loved - adored even - and on a level of stardom and popularity that few wrestlers had managed before, or have managed since. The match pitted Hart against Stone Cold Steve Austin in a submission match with Ken Shamrock as the special guest referee, who was forced to award the match to Hart after Austin passed out from blood loss. At that point, Hart remained a face, but not for long, as he refused to stop attacking Austin after the bell, incensing the crowd, and eliciting boos for Hart, and cheers for the prone Rattlesnake. Hart's was the ultimate shocking heel turn, and one that was beyond unthinkable, while it also turned Austin babyface in a brilliantly executed moment. And to do at on the biggest stage of all! Which controversial WrestleMania moments do you think deserve to be on this list? Share your picks below in the comments thread.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.