WWE: 12 Most Controversial WrestleMania Moments Ever

9. Tyson Floors Michaels - WrestleMania XIV

Following the grand tradition of introducing celebrity guests at the main event, pugilist and notorious ear-biter Mike Tyson was lined up as the ring enforcer, after initially being announced as the guest referee. Some handbags with Stone Cold Steve Austin put paid to that, before Shawn Michaels also offered the former boxing champion out for a fight in a promo that ended with Tyson revealing his allegiance with DX. The match itself was entertaining but unspectacular, but the ending added a controversial full-stop that still gets talked about as one of the most entertaining deception turns in main event history. With Austin seemingly about to be defeated, he caught an attempted Sweet Chin Music that he turned brilliantly into a Stunner, and dropped Michaels to the mat, though probably not for long enough to get a legitimate three count. But legitimate wasn't the order of the day as Tyson turned on his DX allies and delivered a super fast three count in place of unconscious ref Mike Chioda. Austin was crowned and Michaels furiously remonstrated with Tyson over his deception, only to be met with a punch that neither he nor the crowd expected and which completely laid him out.

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