WWE: 12 Most Controversial WrestleMania Moments Ever

8. Lesnar Suffers A Concussion - WrestleMania XIX

In the main event match between hulking Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle, the defending champ, Angle was saddled with a stipulation that would see him stripped of his title if counted out or disqualified, but with Lesnar basically guaranteed the victory, he almost lost his chance on his own ridiculous terms. There's a reason monsters don't tend to do too much aerial work - Undertaker famously found out that even a ring dive can almost end up with a broken neck and a broken cameraman - and at XIX, Lesnar reiterated just why that was the case. Perched on the top rope, Lesnar set himself up to do something truly astonishing - attempting a shooting star press - which would surely have caused considerable damage to Angle's attempted defence. Unfortunately, Lesnar messed up the landing, and took the force of gravity pretty much entirely on his head, suffering a concussion that somehow didn't stop him completing - and winning - the match. Hopefully Lesnar will have ironed out the errors in his work by now, making him, ideally, a better opponent than who Undertaker faced way back at WrestleMania 9...

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