WWE: 12 Most Controversial WrestleMania Moments Ever

6. Yokozuna Steals The Win, And Then Hulk Does - WrestleMania IX

After winning the 1993 Royal Rumble, Yokozuna earned his shot at the WWF Championship against Bret The Hitman Hart, who had taken the belt from Ric Flair, at the main event, and it almost ended very badly for the giant sumo. Taking advantage of Yokozuna's traditional pre-match ritual, Hart landed an early kick, but saw his efforts to grab the big man result in him being knocked out of the league. Over the course of the fight, the pair went back and forth, including the Hitman trapping his sizeable opponent in the ropes to even the weight advantage out by taking away any mobility, but it looked like Yokozuna was heading to victory a couple of times, and particularly when he laid out Hart with a massive leg drop. That didn't end the match however, and the big man missed a splash in the corner, letting Hart regain the upper hand, dropping his opponent and locking him into the sharpshooter, which should have ensured victory. But then, controversially, Yokozuna's manager Mr. Fuji, threw a handful of salt into Bret's eyes, blinding him and incapacitating him enough to allow his opponent to gain the pin, and win the WWF Championship, to fans' amazement. That isn't where it ended however, as moments later Hulk Hogan appeared to tell the referee about Fuji's misdemeanour, which fell on deaf ears. For some reason, rather than simply accepting his client's victory, Fuji issued a challenge that Yokozuna would put his newly-won title if Hogan would accept a fight; Hart gave his blessing, and Hulk went after the belt. He got in trouble immediately as Yokozuna held him and looked to set up Fuji to blind him again with salt, but Hogan ducked and Yokozuna took the salt in his face in a not unexpected twist of fate, allowing Hulk to clothesline him and finish off with a leg drop and a cover, ending the match in just 30 seconds. Hart and Hogan would subsequently develop a rivalry away from the ring as the former felt the new champion was dodging him and had refused to drop the belt to him, even though a deal existed that Hogan would drop it to the top heel at the time.

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