WWE: 13 Worst Ever Tag Team Gimmicks In Wrestling History

5. The Godwinns

It wasn't uncommon for early nineties wrestlers to have a gimmick secondary job, we'd seen a wrestling garbage man, a repo-man, and a Mountie, and in 1994, WWE introduced a pig farmer to the roster in the considerable shape of Henry O. Godwinn. The quick-witted, or merely knowledgeable, readers among you may have noticed his initials spell out the word HOG - another very clever WWE joke. Rather than letting this gimmick just fade away it was decided that Henry needed a partner. So one day we were introduced to his brother Phineas I. Godwinn. Once again the initials make up the word pig, as WWE couldn't let a clever joke like that slip by. The Godwinns were the most stereotypical southern hill-billies, and as if to ram this point home they were paired with Hillybilly Jim as their manager. The Godwinns were remarkably successful, and actually held the WWE Tag Team Championships on two separate occasions, though they had this victory they were possibly best known for throwing buckets of pig slop on people, and lusting after the beautiful Sunny. Ultimately, Henry's career was severely damaged by a spinal injury, while Phineas went on to gain more fame as Mideon in the Ministry Of Darkness.

A 27 year old man who should know better. An actual RE teacher. Living in the North of the United Kingdom with his partner and two rabbits. The rabbits are called Jasper and Isabella, and they are the inspiration for most of his work, as well as eating USB cables.