WWE: 14 Greatest Ever Moments When Superstars Got Revenge

Being a scripted business centred around fighting, WWE must find a reason for superstars to clash. Whilst championships are (or at least were) the most important, and easiest, explanation for a showdown storylines are necessary to sell pay-per-views to the public. Whether to create a grudge fight or to elevate a championship match with an additional personal conflict, one of the most common stories told in wrestling is the quest for revenge. This is because wrestling, like Hollywood, can provide vengeance for the "good guys" and most of the time it delivers. This can provide wrestling an edge over unscripted sports in offering viewers a feeling of assurance that there is a good chance of getting a favourable pay-off to rivalries. Vengeance isn't exclusive to the good guys though, villains can experience their own moment of personal vengeance even if it is less popular with audiences at the time. Here we take a look at fourteen of our favourite moments of superstars getting their revenge. This list is exclusively moments of revenge in WWE, no other companies have been factored into this list. Obviously not every moment can make it in so we'd love to hear your favourites or any you feel we missed.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.