WWE: 14 Greatest Ever Moments When Superstars Got Revenge

6. The Rhodes Family Get Their Jobs Back

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap5t4TpXBjY After Randy Orton had aligned with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon as 'The Face of the WWE' and the new WWE Champion at SummerSlam 2013, the unit were throwing their weight around. Superstars including Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Big Show had all suffered the wrath of The Authority, their champion and their hit squad The Shield but on September 2nd it was the turn of Cody Rhodes. Triple H, offended at not being invited to Cody's upcoming wedding ceremony, placed him in a match with WWE Champion Randy Orton. Not much of a punishment and Cody was thankful for the opportunity, until it was revealed that his job was on the line in the contest. Cody just came up short and was duly informed by Triple H that he was fired. Interviewed backstage whilst being escorted out of the building Cody unleashed a heartfelt tirade about how the McMahons have mistreated the Rhodes family for years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0fzTwF4G98 A week later Cody's brother Goldust returned to take on Randy Orton for the opportunity to win back Cody's job. In a pre-match interview Goldust described himself as the family screw-up and Triple H interrupted him to pile the pressure on even further. Orton would defeat Goldust in another close match, rubbing salt in the wounds with a post-match promo that spoke of their shattered dreams. The following week their father Dusty Rhodes came to Raw to call out Stephanie McMahon, who responded by telling him that one of his sons can have their job back and he must choose between them. Even worse, she brought up the differences in Dusty's involvement in raising the two children. Naturally Dusty wouldn't make a choice, and The Shield got involved. Stephanie also bought out Big Show, forcing him to knockout Dusty to prevent a Shield attack. Cody and Goldust returned a week later, coming from the crowd to attack The Shield for their plans to brutally attack their father before being escorted from the arena. This led to a match being made at Battleground between the Rhodes brothers and The Shield's tag team champions Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. On the line in the match would be all three of the Rhodes' jobs, including Dusty's role as NXT General Manager.
At Battleground the Rhodes Family (teaming together for the first time ever) managed to overcome The Shield and pick up the victory to reinstate Cody and Goldust and save Dusty's job in the process. The family got their revenge and their jobs, and provided a feel good moment with their emotional celebration both together and with the locker room that came out to the stage to congratulate them.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.