WWE: 14 Greatest Ever Moments When Superstars Got Revenge

5. Shawn Michaels Punishes Triple H

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39ULiW1iEsE The rivalry between the former best friends began as the two had made amends and Michaels convinced Triple H to join him on Raw. The two reunited as D-Generation X but Triple H turned on him and hit him with a Pedigree. A week later Michaels hunted down Triple H all evening, waiting for him in the parking lot. Triple H hit the ring and told him to settle business there instead, explaining that he attacked him last week to try and show him he needs to put his pride aside and realise his in-ring career is over before he ends up getting hurt. He was interrupted by a WWE official who sent Triple H to the parking lot where Michaels was lying bloody after being put through a car window. The following week Triple H quizzed the entire locker room to find out who was responsible for the attack before a bruised Michaels explained via satellite that he had got CCTV footage that would reveal his mystery attacker: Triple H. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lppcBF2_Hco This started an on-and-off 18 month rivalry between the two that provided plenty of moments of Michaels getting revenge that could've made this list. Particular contenders include him capturing Triple H's World Heavyweight Championship in the first ever Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series, his brief moment of taking the same championship a year later in his hometown on the final Raw of 2003 (before it was revealed that both men's shoulders were on the mat) and his return to cost Triple H a casket match with Kane. But the one that makes the list is his first true moment of revenge, as he returned to the ring for the first time in over four years in an unsanctioned street fight against his former best friend at SummerSlam 2002. The match had been set up when Michaels revealed Triple H as his parking lot attacker and informed him that he would be 100% for SummerSlam. Eric Bischoff announced the match but it wouldn't be sanctioned by the company but the two could fight. And fight they would. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCU6liOivkU The two fought in a battle that utilised ladders, tables and trash cans as the two went to war. Michaels would come out the victor after countering the Pedigree into a jackknife cover to get his revenge for the repeated betrayal from his former best-friend. Post-match he would fall victim to a sledgehammer assault to continue their rivalry, but the moment of revenge still stands tall.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.