WWE: 14 Greatest Ever Moments When Superstars Got Revenge

7. Mankind Wins WWE Title

WWE Chairman Mr McMahon had been grooming Mankind, who had come to view the unpopular boss as somewhat of a father figure. McMahon even appeared to be setting up Mankind to win the tournament to crown a new WWE Champion at Survivor Series, but when the final came around McMahon showed his true colours as he screwed Mankind over in a repeat performance of the Montreal Screwjob and aligned with his new "Corporate Champion" in The Rock. Mankind began a quest for revenge against McMahon and Rock eventually resulting in a championship match at In Your House: Rock Bottom. There Mankind made Rock pass out to the Mandible Claw but once again found himself stopped by McMahon who ruled that because The Rock didn't submit, there was to be no title change. But Mankind would get his revenge, not just once but twice, and in typical Foley style it was one of the most unique ways possible. Mankind's revenge would come on December 29th 1998 at the taping of Monday Night Raw where he challenged The Rock once more for the WWE Championship. Thanks to assistance from D-Generation X cancelling out The Corporation, Mankind managed to defeat his rival and capture his first WWE Championship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSa80CxTbCU But that particular moment didn't just provide vengeance for Mick Foley's on-screen gimmick Mankind. In a peculiar set of circumstances, Foley himself would get revenge via the same moment but on January 4th 1999 inne of the most famous moments in professional wrestling history and what has long been accredited to the night that changed the Monday Night Wars. WCW's commentator Tony Schiavone infamously delivered spoilers during the live broadcast of WCW Nitro and quipped that "That'll put a lot of butts in the seats." Whilst there are varying stories as to who is responsible for that line, what is for sure is that the comment led to millions of viewers changing channel to witness Foley's championship victory and provide vengeance for the man himself.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.