WWE: 14 Greatest Ever Moments When Superstars Got Revenge

3. CM Punk's Parting Message

In June 2011 CM Punk entered the final month of his contract with the WWE. Punk would win a number one contendership match against Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio to earn a WWE Championship match in his hometown of Chicago at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view. During the main event of the show he earned the shot, Punk would interfere in champion John Cena's table match with R-Truth, costing him to lose. Wearing a Stone Cold t-shirt he would go on to sit down with a microphone on the stage. From there he delivered his notorious 'Pipe Bomb' promo that not only revealed his contract expiration but unleashed his frustrations with the company, its promotion of John Cena as the best and his desire to leave and return to companies like Ring of Honor or New Japan as the WWE Champion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ms0DFxpptk That promo in itself is a classic moment of revenge for Punk against his frustrations with the WWE and is only matched by one other. Money in the Bank in Chicago. After weeks of Punk unleashing more worked shoots in promoting the match, Punk would get his shot still without a new contract in place. In a rarity in the WWE, the match was entirely unpredictable. Would WWE risk having CM Punk lose his final match in front of his volatile hometown crowd? Or would they go with the even bigger risk of having him capture the WWE Championship without having a contract in place after that night (and in storyline, fire John Cena)? In typical Chicago fashion the crowd were 100% partisan to Punk and completely against the defending champion John Cena. Punk did the unthinkable and kicked out of not one, but two Attitude Adjustments and upon hitting the Go To Sleep WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis began to walk to the ring distracting Punk. This allowed Cena to lock him in the STF, McMahon channelled the Montreal Screwjob and called for the bell to be rung despite no submission from Punk. Cena released the hold and punched Laurinaitis claiming he didn't want a tainted victory, and when returning to the ring he walked into a Go To Sleep and CM Punk won the WWE Championship. Cm Punk Money In The Bank 2 By Paynexkiller D40e9nw Gif McMahon attempted one final tactic to stop Punk leaving with his championship, as he order Alberto Del Rio to cash in his Money in the Bank contract, but Punk kicked him in the head to thwart the attempt. Punk then left the arena with the WWE Championship, stopping to blow McMahon a kiss before leaving through the crowd.
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Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.