WWE: 15 Things That Would Greatly Improve WrestleMania

4. Remove The Filler

While WWE needs rest moments between big matches, the poor standards of filler really hurts WrestleMania. Things would be so much better if the company either removed the filler or at least improved the interest in lower tier matches. WrestleMania 30 in particular is suffering from a terribly filled undercard. Who really wants to see a 14 diva one fall match? It's a horrible match which has no chance of getting over, it's going to be a cluster of bodies and frenzied spots. The company would have been much better off not bothering. It's a lesson to learn for the future of WrestleMania, rather than filling the card with uninteresting contests, just don't bother and instead add another ten minutes on to an exciting match such as Hunter vs Bryan. The paying audience would far prefer that scenario. WWE want to cram as many of their roster on to the high paying Mania card, but with 66 wrestlers on the WrestleMania 30 card, they have definitely gone too far. Talent are being put ahead of the fans interest in this scenario. Much like the last point, less is more. Cut the filler, enhance the main events.
WWE Writer

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