WWE: 15 Things That Would Greatly Improve WrestleMania

3. A Three Hour Show Time

WrestleMania currently runs for four hours, way too much time for the average fan to remain interested in. By the time co-main events roll around, we have already been sat watching television for two and a half hours. It's too much, the dynamics of viewership would be better served by a three hour show. Losing an hour would be easily implemented, as the last point stated, there's plenty of poor filler WWE could cut from the show. While being sat for four hours at home feels like a long time, spare a thought for the fans attending live. By the time these fans have taken in the hour pre-show and aftermath, they could have been sat in the arena for upwards of five hours. There's also the fact they can be sat outside in the elements, with pre and post show commutes also a consideration. All in all, a three hour run time would make everyone's life easier.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.