WWE: 15 Things That Would Greatly Improve WrestleMania

9. Legitimate A-Star Celebrities

When WWE do celebrities right at WrestleMania, it bears great dividends. When they get it wrong, it plain sucks and takes a spot away from a deserving performer. The case in example of WWE success stories with celebrities has to be Mr T at WrestleMania 1, Donald Trump at Mania 23, and Floyd Mayweather at Mania 24. The utilisation of celebrities at those WrestleManias helped to bring in significant additional interest and buyers. Without Mr T at WrestleMania 1 there may not even have been future WrestleMania events, he helped make the brand. Trump and Mayweather where also hugely beneficial, as key headliners of 23 and 24 respectively they helped to break the box office record for highest grossing WWE PPV at the time. WWE should go down this route a bit more often, they should get a genuinely huge name celebrity in to help sell their product. However, they need to heed caution. When they get it wrong by bringing z-list celebrities in, it often damages the perception of the product. Jersery Shore's Snooki wasn't exactly everyone's cup of tea.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.