WWE 1998 PPVs From Worst To Best

5. No Way Out Of Texas

The Good: The main event, a chaotic no disqualification eight man tag match pitting Cactus Jack/Terry Funk/Steve Austin/Owen Hart against Triple H/The New Age Outlaw/Savior Vega, was ridiculously fun. Watching Mick Foley take full-on unprotected chair shots to the head is not easy to watch in 2015, however. On the undercard TAKA Michinoku and luchador Pantera had a great match for the Light-Heavyweight Championship. Unfortunately the crowd couldn't care less and the match played before long periods of silence. Technically, however, it was really good. Kane and Vader had a decent big-man match. Vader lost (again) and was beaten down after the match. The Bad: Not too much, this time. While matches like Bradshaw versus Jeff Jarrett didn't set the world alight, they weren't terrible or anything. The Rest: Goldust came out dressed as something resembling Marily Manson for his match tag match with Marc Mero against The Headbangers. TAFKA Goldust was not Dustin Runnels' best-remembered period of his career. Savio Vega replaced Shawn Michaels in the main event. HBK could not compete because of a serious back injury (more on that later).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...