WWE 1998 PPVs From Worst To Best

4. King of the Ring

The Good: The 1998 King of the Ring will live in infamy thanks to one match - the Hell in a Cell bout between Mankind and The Undertaker. Foley was never one to shy away from taking horrific punishment but he outdid himself in this environment. His two major bumps have lost none of their impact seventeen years later. Steve Austin and Kane couldn't hope to follow the HIAC match but they tried admirably in their First Blood encounter. Once again, this match was used to set up Raw the next night. The Rock and Ken Shamrock's King of the Ring final match was the best match of the tournament (although that wasn't saying match). X-Pac and Owen Hart also had a good match. The Bad: The tournament semis were rushed. The fact that Al Snow & Head (seriously) versus Too Much received more time than them was an insult. The Rest: Foley suffered a shopping list of injuries in his suicidal stunt show. Vince McMahon was so shocked that he warned Foley that he never wanted to see him put himself in jeapordy like that ever again. Hey, when Vince is telling you to tone it down you know you've probably went too far.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...