WWE 1998 PPVs From Worst To Best

11. Over The Edge

The Good: Proving that they were no one-hit-wonders, Steve Austin and Dude Love had an absolutely sensational match in the main event of Over the Edge. It was a truly wonderful, inventive and entertaining brawl. This time it had added stipulations: Vince McMahon was the guest referee, Pat Patterson was guest ring announcer and Gerald Brisco guest timekeeper. The Undertaker was ringside enforcer. Everyone in the match, including the stooges, were so over. It really is something else to see the reactions that Austin was getting at the height of his powers. The Bad: Again, just about everything else. DX against Owen Hart, The Godfather and D-Lo Brown was a boring letdown although it did have Owen finally getting a pin on Triple (with the pedigree no less) so it wasn't completely useless.The LOD versus DOA (battle of the acronyms) open was, to quote Jim Ross, 'bowling shoe ugly'. The Rest: Marc Mero and Sable had a non-match to set up a rematch further down the road. After his Masker Versus Mask loss to Kane, Vader referred to himself as a 'fat piece of s***' in a bizarre post-match interview. He would leave the company soon after.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...