WWE 1998 PPVs From Worst To Best

8. Breakdown

The Good: Edge and Owen Hart had a great opener, which featured the first appearance of Edge's future tag team partner Christian. Better than that was the triple threat cage match between The Rock, Mankind and Ken Shamrock. When you watch matches like this, it's no wonder that Foley became a physical wreck later in life. The Rock was insanely over during the match. His star was clearly rising, so much so that Vince had to put the belt on him a couple of months later. The Bad: Steve Austin versus Kane versus The Udnertaker might have a lot of star power but, as a match, it wasn't very good at all. A major disappointed, the three had a pretty standard, slow brawl. All three men were capable of greatness but could be very hit-or-miss at times. The burial of Vader continued. Here he was jobbed out to Bradshaw (who definitely threw a few potato shots Vader's way). Val Venis and Dustin Rhodes (during his 'I'm not Goldust anymore phase') had a shocker. Not only did they not have great chemistry, but there was a major screwup during a nearfall at the end of the match. The Rest: This show had a lot of filler. Many of the matches seemed more suitable for your average Raw rather than PPV. The Raw after this PPV featured the infamous Austin/Zamboni angle, which was about as entertaining as anything you'll see here.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...