WWE: 20 Best Moments Of Daniel Bryan's Slow Burn

10. The Shield Finally Lose And Bryanmania Runs Wild (Smackdown, 6/15/13)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpfo_1TaSGI "I wish this guy had an inferiority complex a year ago, this guy is fun to watch!" JBL exclaimed halfway through this match, one taking place amidst declarations by both members of Team Hell No that they were not the "weak link". Randy Orton joined them in a high octane matchup that saw every wrestler at the top of their game, with The Shield facing the possibility of losing for the first time and ending their nine month run as a unit without submitting or losing by pinfall. The audience was on the edge of their seats throughout the match, and after turning the numbers game over to their favor, Kane sent Seth Rollins off the top rope into an RKO, after which Bryan submitted him into the Yes! Lock to finally knock off The Shield. The Yes! Movement had clearly begun, and Daniel Bryan was arguably at his most aggressive and charismatic point during this feud. It became a question of "if" and not "when" the undersized underdog would become validated as not just The People's Champ, but as the WWE Champion.

Thom Fain is a journalist with more than a thousand bylines across the web. He's written for 155+ publications from local to international, covering topics like politics and sports. Thom enjoys the athletic spectacle of NJPW, and the excellence of its Japanese tradition.