1. WrestleMania X-Seven
The Good: One of, if not the greatest WrestleMania ever, WrestleMania X-Seven truly had something for everyone, including one of the best main events in WWE history. The top-liner between The Rock and Steve Austin was just exceptional professional wrestling. Shame about the finish. Attempting to steal the show from under them were Edge and Christian, The Hardys and The Dudleys who provided a worthy and thrilling sequel to their SummerSlam 2000 TLC match. It was an awe-inspiring car crash match but watching it now you cannot help but think of the negative effect it had on the health of each man. Triple H carried The Undertaker to his first truly great WrestleMania match. Although they would have better ones a decade later, their match here proved their was still life left in the Dead Man. Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle also had better matches later on but their 'Mania X-Seven contest was nothing to sniff at. If you don't like the twisted fun that is the Shane versus Vince McMahon street fight then there's probably something wrong with you. Terrific sports entertainment. The Bad: The great Chyna ego trip of 2001 continued with her completely squashing Ivory. Wow, what a payoff. Test versus Eddie Guerrero was a bit of a letdown (Eddie was well on his way to rehab at this point) and the APA/Tazz versus Right to Censor six man was too short to mean anything. The Rest: Rumour has it that The Iron Sheik only won the legends gimmick battle royal because he was the only entrant who wasn't able to take a bump over the top rope.
Lewis Howse
Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...
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