WWE 2004 PPVs From Worst To Best

10. Unforgiven

The Good: Things got off to the right start with the Benoit/Regal versus Batista/Flair match. They were given fifteen minutes and the action was hard-hitting. Crowd was with them, too. Trish Stratus and Victoria had a good Women's Title match, as they invariably always did. Chris Jericho and Christian's ladder match should have, by rights, been a bit better than it was. There were some cool spots but very little flow. This was a case of 'seen it all before', unfortunately. Kane versus Shawn Michaels was pretty good, too, especially Michaels' comeback and the last five minutes of false finishes. The Bad: Triple H's World Heavyweight Title victory over Randy Orton, just a month after Orton became the youngest WWE Champion in history, was hollow. The match was overbooked, slow and lacked heat. Still, as bad as it was, at least it wasn't Tomko versus Stevie Richards bad (just go and check the match out to see what I'm talking about). The Rest: According to reports at the time, Triple H lobbied to win the Title from Orton because he felt there should be a heel champion going into WWE's first interactive PPV. By his logic, nobody would vote for heel challengers to take on a babyface champ. Which leads us to...

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...