WWE 2006 PPVs From Worst To Best

4. Vengeance

The Good: The summer of 06 was a weird time in WWE. That weirdness is reflected at Vengeance a show that, while weird, was still a really good watch. Best match of the night went to RVD and Edge's WWE Title match. Other choice matches were the Shelton Benjamin/Carlito/Johnny Nitro three way match, Sabu and John Cena's lumberjack match and Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle. Finally, DX versus the entire Spirit Squad was a totally self-indulgent demolition job but, again, at least it was entertaining. Poor Mitch had his face shoved in HHH's ass afterwards, just for kicks. The Bad: Kane versus Doppelgänger Kane was not very good, although fake Kane (Doc Gallows/Festus) did a great job portraying early Kane. Mick Foley promised to stink out the joint in his 2/3 falls match with Flair (a novel way of promoting a PPV) and he did just that. Well done, Mick! The Rest: What was with WWE's obsession with male ass during 2006? Answers on a postcard.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...