WWE 2007 PPVs From Worst To Best

5. Armageddon

The Good: A really good show from top to bottom, Armageddon ended 2007 on a high note. The show began with a tidy effort from Rey Mysterio and the ever-improving MVP. It was going along just fine until MVP took a walk and deliberately got himself counted out. What a heel! Shawn Michaels took Mr. Kennedy to school in a tight, psychology-filled match in which both men adopted different strategies to win and sold their asses off to get their story over. Looking at this, it's a wonder that Kennedy's career nosedived shortly after. The guy had 'main event' written all over him and could hang in there with the likes of The Undertaker and HBK. Also looking to break through to that next level was Jeff Hardy, who upset Triple H in a WWE Title No.1 Contender's match. Jeff played the babyface underdog superbly here and Triple H made sure the match stayed on the straight and narrow. Good stuff. The Batista/Edge/Undertaker main event wasn't as good as some of the matches between those combinations in 2007 and 08 but it was still pretty damn good and it's always a treat to see three big stars like that square off in a PPV setting. The Bad: Chris Jericho's WWE Title match against Randy Boreton (Y2J's WWE PPV comeback) was a disappointment and had a poor finish to boot: JBL interfered and blasted Jericho after Orton had thrown the Ayatollah of Rock and Roller onto the announcer. Cheap stuff indeed. The Great Khali versus Finlay, CM Punk & Kane versus Mark Henry & Big Daddy V and Beth Phoenix versus Mickie James were nothing special. The Rest: The easy way in which CM Punk was soundly beaten in the tag match was a clear message from WWE management to the Straight Edge Superstar: you are not a real superstar. He'd prove them wrong, as we all know.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...