WWE 2007 PPVs From Worst To Best

4. Royal Rumble

The Good: Most of what WWE presented at the 2007 Royal Rumble delivered, especially the Rumble itself and the awesome Last Man Standing match between Umaga and John Cena. The Samoan Bulldozer and the leader of the Cenation put on a hellish match full of inventive spots and intensity. They told a great story and laid it all out on the line that night, producing one of 2007's best matches (and Umaga's best match ever. Earlier in the show, The Hardys and MNM had their usual good match. Just good, solid tag team wrestling in this one. Speaking of solid, Batista's WHC match with Kennedy was good thanks to Kennedy controlling most of it and being given a lot of offense. And then the Rumble, which featured the usual ragbag of superstars but no surprise entrants, unfortunately. The ending sequence with The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels made this one of the most memorable ever. Oh, and it was nice to see the No.30 entrant finally win it! The Bad: Test versus Bobby Lashley should be shown to prospective superstars down at the Performance Centre as an example of what NOT to do when you have a big PPV Title match. It was rotten. The Rest: When The Sandman got tossed by King Booker, JBL quipped that 'we've just found out he's no 'Stone Cold'!' - no, WWE did not like Sandman, in case you were wondering.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...