WWE 2007 PPVs From Worst To Best

3. Survivor Series

The Good: Survivor Series 2007 was all about the two WWE Title matches. Both were different yet wonderful in their own ways. The first, Shawn Michaels versus Randy Orton, was fought with a stip that HBK couldn't use Sweet Chin Music or he'd be disqualified. So he used just about every other finisher instead and, after momentarily losing concentration and going for the superkick, was pinned with an RKO from outta nowhere. Great stuff. Then there was the Hell in a Cell epic between Batista and The Undertaker. These two had been feuding throughout the year and had many PPV matches, but this was unlike any of the others. It was twenty minutes of sheer carnage, ending when Edge (who was disguised as a cameraman) interfered and blasted The Phenom with a con-chair-to on the steel steps. Team Triple H Vs. Team Umaga was a good, somewhat forgotten traditional Survivor Series tag match which went a long way towards establishing Jeff Hardy as a main event star of the future. The Miz Vs. John Morrison Vs. CM Punk was fine but was basically just three guys wrestling an ordinary wrestling match and nothing more. The Bad: The Cade & Murdoch versus Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes match was OK, if a little bland. None of the guys were really over, which hurt it a lot. The ten diva tag match lasted a laughable 4.40. The Rest: Hornswoggle versus Great Khali is a good example of a storyline-based freakshow spectacle that actually works. The pop Finlay got when he interfered on behalf of the former Little Bastard's behalf had to have been the loudest of his career.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...