WWE 2007 PPVs From Worst To Best

12. No Way Out

The Good: Look at the star power in that match right there. No Way Out 2007 was, basically, a one-match show. Pretty much everyone who ordered must have done so to see John Cena and Shawn Michaels take on Batista and The Undertaker. The two WrestleMania main events collided in a very good, twenty two minute match. The whole 'who will turn on who' element added extra intrigue and excitement to go with the star power. There were some decent matches on the undercard, too, including the opening six-man (Benoit & The Hardys Vs. MVP & MNM), a solid Kane Vs. King Booker match and a Ken Kennedy Vs. Bobby Lashley ECW Title match which was a total carry job by mic master Kennedy. The Bad: The Cruiserweight Open was typically rushed and bereft of heat. When Helms lost the title (after over a year of holding it) nary a soul in the arena reacted. The Diva talent search segment was just an excuse for the hopeless Ashley Massaro to do the old Sable 'pain on the nipples' spot and get her baps out to promote her forthcoming Playboy spread. The Rest: The show was originally meant to feature a rematch of the chaotic 4-way ladder match from Armageddon 2006, but it was dropped without explanation a few days before the show. Vince McMahon supposedly wanted Matt, Jeff, Mercury and Nitro to go back to being singles wrestlers on their respective brands.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...