WWE 2007 PPVs From Worst To Best

10. Cyber Sunday

The Good: WWE's interactive PPVs, established in 2004 with Taboo Tuesday, could be very hit and miss. Luckily, Cyber Sunday 2007 hit more than it missed and it turned out to be an enjoyable watch. Finlay and Rey Mysterio, who had surprisingly great chemistry together, kicked things off with a good stretcher match. Not a gimmick you see very often, these two improvised well and worked smoothly. Not as smooth but still pretty decent was Jeff Hardy taking on Ken Kennedy, who was having a good year since coming back from surgery. Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels had their usual good match (which would lead to an even better one at Survivor Series), Triple H and Umaga had a really good street fight (even if nobody really bought that Umaga could win it) and finally Batista and The Undertaker had the match of the night with Steve Austin as the special guest referee. The Bad: The Miz versus CM Punk was bloody awful and amateurish. An off-night for both. MVP versus Kane was short and sluggish, too. The Rest: A marked improvement over years past, the concept may have been inherently flawed (most of the voting options made little sense and WWE tried their best to influence the outcomes) but the superstars on top, especially Batista and The Undertaker, delivered.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...