WWE 2007 PPVs From Worst To Best

9. Judgement Day

The Good: Although it was slow to get started, Judgement Day quietly developed into a really good show by the time John Cena and The Great Khali squared off for the WWE Title. Yes, that sounds like one of the worst matches ever on paper, I know, but it was actually really entertaining. Go on and watch it and see for yourselves! The Hardys and Cade & Murdoch had a really good match over the World Tag Team Titles. The rednecks' reformed heel act was certainly interesting and added a new dimension to their act. Shame it didn't last, mind. Edge and Batista had their usual good match, although Edge's no-sell of Batista's spinebuster was a rare oversight on his part and took away from the match. And MVP defeated Chris Benoit two straight in their 2/3 falls match. Benoit did everything he could do elevate MVP in their series. This was the Canadian Crippler's last WWE PPV match. The Bad: CM Punk and Elijah Burke continued to display but a shred of chemistry in their overlong and boring match. Shawn Michaels couldn't work a normal match against Randy Orton due to a very real injury, so WWE presented an extended angle instead. They did what they could with the situation, but it was a disappointment nonetheless. The Rest: Not the dud you might have been led to believe it is, Judgement Day 2007 is worth going out of your way to see.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...