WWE 2K24: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download

9. Samoa Joe

WWE 2K24 Adam Copeland AEW Edge
2K Games

Creator: IconicCaws

Downloads: 24,536

The champ is here.

It's worth repeating that WWE 2K24's download pages don't do some of these character models justice. For example, Samoa Joe has a bit of a Lars Sullivan thing going on here. It's like Lars and Vladimir Kozlov had a baby, which is a horrifying thought. Apologies!

Seriously though, Joe looks resplendent once you're actually mid-match. 2K's gorgeous lighting engine does a lot of the heavy lifting here, but the model isn't as odd as it might look above. Besides, it's defo the best Samoa Joe going, and you need the reigning AEW World Champion on your rosters in Universe.

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