WWE 2K24: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download

8. Chris Jericho

WWE 2K24 Adam Copeland AEW Edge
2K Games

Creator: Valoween

Downloads: 13,671

Being honest, a lot of AEW regulars are pretty sick of Chris Jericho by this point. His matches aren't nearly as good as they were when the promotion launched, and he's more of a legacy midcard act than anything else in 2024. Regardless, just look at what Valoween (great name) has put together.

That's an essential Jericho download right there.

A lot of Jericho CAWs suffer from the same problem. They can be a bit...waxy. Most get his gear spot on, but the face and hair is problematic. Not for Val. They've done (a Demo) God's work by crafting this video game masterpiece. Check it out and add to that download count!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.