WWE 2K24: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download

7. Toni Storm

WWE 2K24 Adam Copeland AEW Edge
2K Games

Creator: AntronxE

Downloads: 21,797

It was super tempting to turn that pic above black and white just to fit Toni Storm's 'Timeless' gimmick for a giggle. However, her character model looks so damn great in colour that it would've been a pity not to show it off properly. AntronxE has put in a right shift on this occasion.

Toni looks every bit as high-res as anyone else on the women's roster in 2K24. In fact, Storm even looks better quality than someone like Bayley, especially up close. No wonder more than 20,000 folks have nabbed this CAW and added it to their collections.

You should too.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.