WWE 2K25: 15 Best WCW CAWs You Need To Download
1. Sting

Downloads: 38,360
If you want to play as Sting from Starrcade 1997, you can. If you'd rather be the Stinger from 1999-2001, then you can do that too. The wonderful work put in by ATTITUDECREATIONZ means this is 'Crow' Sting heaven for his biggest fans. There's really no need to be sad about the ex-WCW icon missing out because he's currently on the AEW side.
Even 2K themselves would find it hard to better this character model. As a neat bonus, ATTITUDECREATIONZ has made sure to dive in and give Sting the best entrance possible. The music is as close as you're gonna get to the real thing, the lighting is simply superb, and he also raises his baseball pat up to point at enemies before entering the ring.
That looks unreal when you're rebooking Sting's WCW run against nWo foes like Hollywood Hogan.
Nothing has been missed here. Stinger's hair is on point, the scorpion motif on his classic return gear from '97 is very hi-res, and there's an overall sheen to his attire that makes it easy to think you're seeing an official model. That really is the highest compliment any creator in these games can get - ATTITUDECREATIONZ could work for 2K at this rate.
Look at the download count there. That says it all. Almost 40,000 players know a top tier CAW when they see one. Download this, and you'll be hitting Stinger Splashes, Scorpion Deathdrops and locking in Scorpion Deathlocks until your heart's content. Trust us, this is the best WCW creation going.
What other WCW CAWs have been catching your eye in WWE 2K25? For more like this, check out WWE 2K25: 15 CAWs You Must Download IMMEDIATELY and WWE 2K25: 15 Best AEW CAWs You Need To Download!