WWE 2K25 Superstar Ratings: 10 Biggest Surprises & Snubs

5. Snub - Smackdown's Tag Division

John Cena WWE 2K25 rating

To be fair, this snub isn't the fault of the game developers - instead, it's more of an indictment at how badly WWE have handled Smackdown's tag division.

The Smackdown tag roster is awash in fantastic talent that WWE Creative have failed to utilize properly, as shown by the eerie silence DIY vs. Motor City Machine Guns played out to at this year's Royal Rumble. The two teams put on an excellent match, but the audience sat on their hands due to their lack of interest in the teams' story.

WWE fans have been given little reason to get excited about Smackdown's tag teams, and their current ratings reflect that sad fact - current champions Johnny Gargano and Tomasso Ciampa are rated at 76 and 77 points respectively, Pretty Deadly only get 71 points each and the Street Profits average out at 76.5.

Fortunately, things have been turning around for the beleaguered division over the past few weeks. WWE Creative has injected a welcome dose of chaos into the previously moribund tag title scene, and fans have been biting on the results. Here's hoping that WWE keeps the hot streak going so that WWE 2K26 sees these wrestlers get the ratings their talent deserves.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.