WWE's TNA World Champions Ranked - From Worst To Best

5. Christian

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When Christian jumped over to TNA in 2005, there was a feeling that something was truly happening in the world of professional wrestling. Sure, it wasn't a genuine game-changer, but Christian was a top performer who had clearly been underused in WWE and left to fulfil his potential elsewhere. He joined an insanely talented roster, one that was accentuated not long after by the arrival of Kurt Angle.

So all of that came to nothing, but Christian did win the top title in TNA on two occasions. Christian was also the final holder of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship under the TNA banner, and came just short of becoming the first TNA World Heavyweight Champion in a match against Angle and Sting.

Both of Christian's title runs lasted around four months, and whether he was a face or a heel he was positioned as a top guy. His TNA run can be looked back on as a success, albeit one that didn't mean anything in the longterm for the company.

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