WWE: 4 Reason's I'm Already Hating John Cena Again

2. I Could've Sworn I've Heard This Before

Wmc0 Here's a statement that somewhat contradicts the article heading but I think the truth is people don't really hate John Cena. Given the effort he puts into the wrestling business, his often good matches and his endeavours with organisations like Make A Wish, I think a lot of fans respect John Cena. The reason we boo so much is because we're bored of him repeating the same lines over and over. We boo because variety is the spice of life and John Cena's promos are about as spicy as a my curries (I recognise that analogy would have more legs if I had prefaced it by mentioning I am not a fan of hot curries) If I ever found myself in a position where I had the chance to blackmail HHH with photos of him being intimate with a lady whose last name was not McMahon, I would make the demand that I was given time on the mic with John Cena. The reason I would ask for this would be to prove the point that it doesn't matter the situation or the person, John Cena will say exactly the same thing because he is in fact a robot, explaining both his repetitive promos and superhuman recovery abilities. Me: "Hey John, did you know that Cow's moo in an accent depending on where they are from?" John: "I don't care if you want to boo me or cheer me, I will never change who I am and I will always be loyal to the fans that support me through all the negativity!" Me: "No John I said moo not boo...I was telling you about cows..." John: "I ain't no coward and I never back down from a challenge. If you want some come get some!" Me: "I wasn't calling you a coward? If you'd just give me the time to..." John: "Your time is up our time is now! The champ is here! Me: "Forget it, I just wanted to have a conversation about cows" John: "West sayiddd"
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John Cena
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London based cynic drifting aimlessly through life who finds Television, Wrestling, Movies and Music to be the only things that distract him from the futility of his own existence. Actually I should specify when I say music I mean proper music, not this modern stuff...its just noise.