WWE: 5 Awesome Attitude Era Superstars and 5 That Sucked

2. D'Lo Brown

€œYou€™re looking at the real deal now!€ As soon as you heard those words echo throughout arena, you knew some serious head shaking was about to go down. D-Lo went from being The Gangstas€™ lackey in SMW to the Nation of Domination€™s lackey to Attitude Era breakout star. He first defeated Triple H for the European title and had a pretty good feud with X-Pac over it. A lot of wrestlers are associated with certain championships long after they€™ve held them due to the successful runs they had with them, and how they just seemed to go well with the title. For D€™Lo it was the European Championship. He was also the first Euro-Continental Champion, long before Kurt Angle could lay that claim. Extremely talented in the ring, D€™Lo€™s frog splash was second to none. Well, except Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero€™s, but it was better than Christian€™s. Part of what made his cool was the use of his trusty chest protector. And the head shake right before take off.
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When not toiling away in day job obscurity, writes unproduced screenplays. Obsessed with professional wrestling, film, TV, music, and comics. And yes, in that order. Doesn’t mind spoilers. Follow him on twitter @olschooljabroni or e-mail him at oldschooljabronies@gmail.com. Or visit the www.oldschooljabronies.com.