WWE: 5 Awesome Feuds And 5 That Sucked

5. AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bbdk_PP4rRk AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels have wrestled each other literally all over the planet. In fact, Ring of Honor dedicated a whole shoot interview to them talking only about matches against each other. However, it is their feud against each other in TNA which really puts it on this list. The injection of Samoa Joe into the feud only put it over the top. Styles is the consummate babyface (though I've enjoyed the somewhat tweener character he's portrayed recently) and Daniels is a natural born heel that I can't help but cheer. Throw in the brutality and technical prowess of Samoa Joe and you have a feud that is one of my favorites of the past decade. The matches from this feud elevated the X division title into being equal with the NWA TNA Title, which is no small feat. In fact, the match which solidified this feud's place on this list went on last after the NWA title match at Destination X. I still believe that the first 3 way dance between these men is the greatest match that has taken place in TNA Wrestling. Even with a major screw up, and some blatant spot calling to get them back on track, these three busted out a 5 star classic. When you throw in the Daniels vs Styles Iron Man Matches, the brutal Styles vs Joe match from No Surrender, and the Ultimate X showdowns, you have what is hands down one of my favorite feuds, and definitely my favorite feud in TNA history.
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I am an ordained Baptist minister from Texas. I am married to a wonderful woman and we are expecting our first child in September. I love Jesus, sports, video games, and pro wrestling.