WWE: 5 Candidates For Hall of Fame Celebrity Wing

3. Mickey Rourke

rourke Fresh off his Oscar nominated performance as Randy €˜The Ram€™ in Darren Aronofsky€™s 2008 movie The Wrestler, Mickey Rourke became involved in a scripted feud with WWE Superstar Chris Jericho. The story goes that Rourke made some unfavourable remarks about the Man of 1,004 Holds at the Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles €“ so Jericho decided to call him out during an episode of Larry King Live later that week. Their rivalry concluded at WrestleMania 25 when Rourke floored Jericho with a devastating knock-out punch after being heckled from the ring. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsjXxpNxG3A It speaks volumes about the cultural impact The Wrestler €“ and Rourke€™s performance €“ that WWE should choose to promote its star in such an obvious way. Aronofsky has suggested that Vince McMahon enjoyed the movie, despite paying lip service to some of the negative aspects of the industry like poverty and steroid abuse. It wouldn€™t surprise anyone if WWE decided to further their appreciation by inducting Rourke into the Hall of Fame.
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Izzy is a copywriter and journalist from London, writing on all things entertainment.