WWE: 5 Rarely Seen Gimmick Matches That Should Return In 2014

3. Boiler Room Brawl (Or A Variation Of The Bout)

There hasn€™t been a Boiler Room Brawl since 1999. Take that in. It€™s been 15 years since the last time we saw this gimmick match. In 1999, Mankind competed in three Boiler Room Brawls, taking on The Big Show in one and Triple H in the following two. Now while these matches weren€™t clinics in wrestling technique or skill, they had an eerie vibe to them that I think would work in today€™s WWE with some guys. There aren€™t a lot of matches that take place out of the ring or where the WWE€™s live crowd can€™t see, but with the Network, the possibility of bringing back this entirely out-of-ring match could work on Main Event or NXT. Honestly, given the right competitors it would work on TV or at a Special Event with the live audience watching the Tron. Now the Boiler Room Brawl was very specific to Mankind character, who as you may recall was billed from The Boiler Room. The match was designed to give him an unholy advantage against his opponent, because they were fighting in his home. That aspect makes a Boiler Room Brawl less than likely for today€™s WWE. That said it could be adapted for the modern wrestling world. The same principles of the match can be transported from one venue (the boiler room) to another. The WWE at some point this year should put on a Backwoods Brawl. It should have put on this match at Extreme Rules this month. All the rules of the Boiler Room Brawl apply, but instead of the boiler room, the match takes place in the creepy cabin from the Bray Wyatt vignettes, which will be affectionately christened €œThe Wyatt Family Compound€. Could you imagine Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena in that creepy compound where the Wyatts live? It could be legitimately frightening, keeping the parts of the house dark, having Rowan or Harper appear in different rooms attacking Cena, people crashing through rickety walls, etc. as John tries to escape the house and win the match. It would be a delightfully terrifying novelty match to include at Extreme Rules, or at some Special Event down the road.
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Matthew J. Douglas is an emerging screenwriter born in Toronto. A lifelong fascination with what makes a compelling story and the Toni Morrison quote "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." led the often opinionated Matthew to the life of writer. Matthew is also a lifelong WWE fan, and a self diagnosed Reality TV Junkie.