WWE: 5 Ways To Make Roman Reigns Split From The Shield Work

4. Break All Ties With Ambrose And Rollins

From the moment that The Shield debuted back in 2012, Roman, Dean and Seth have been directly linked to each other. Each promo regularly ended with "Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns." Much like Lennon and McCartney, Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns are joined together and most fans cannot think of one without thinking of the other. But when the moment comes that The Shield dissolve, Roman must be segregated from his two partners in crime. It's really the only way his singles run will work. It's a familiar story; a veteran tag team is rolling along like business as usual, when suddenly controversy happens. One partner becomes upset with the other and before long the team is over. One member is on his way to bigger and better things while the other is left trying to pick up the pieces. Perhaps the best example of this in WWE is Shawn Michaels, who decided that he had outgrown his partner Marty Jannetty. But the death of The Rockers meant the birth of The Heartbreak Kid. Shawn went on to become a top guy in WWE. And he did it without Marty by his side. This is likely what fans could see when The Shield break apart and Roman is elevated up in the company. And while the WWE faithful likely expect Roman to feud with Seth and/or Dean in the beginning, the fact is that at some point he must break free to be his own man. Fans need to see him as a singles star, independent of his Shield cohorts. That is why Seth and Dean must remain heel so Roman's star can shine as brightly as possible. The crowd needs to accept him on his own for his split from The Shield to truly work.

Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog http://tomclarkbr.wix.com/blog tomclarksmainevent.libsyn.com