WWE: 7 Failures With Sheamus' Return

6. Final Three? Irrelevant

sheamus wwe When someone returns, what do you do for him to come in with a bang? Well, you make him win. Sheamus didn€™t win the Royal Rumble match. Granted, particularly, I wouldn€™t have picked him either, and he just won the 2012 Royal Rumble as well, but we have to face the fact that it would€™ve made his return a lot more important. And, well, I suppose I€™d pick Sheamus over Batista. Since they were bent on having Batista win the Rumble for whatever reason (which was bad) and on Roman Reigns plowing through every superstar in the match (which was great), they made Sheamus the second runner up in the match. That didn€™t harm him in any way, but it also didn€™t help; mainly because unless you did something relevant in the match, such as Roman Reigns, unless you win, you€™re forgotten. Sheamus didn€™t do anything relevant; he was just the second runner up. And not only that, but we have to consider the atmosphere of the final three this year. I, for one, immediately turned off my computer after CM Punk was eliminated in complete rage, because that only confirmed the fact that Batista would win, and the entire arena turned on the match the second they realized Daniel Bryan wasn€™t there. Why? Because they pulled the rug from under the guy everyone wanted to win. That entire portion of the match was made meaningless by the roaring boos of the crowd, justifiably. For all of those reasons, the fact that Sheamus was in the Final Three doesn€™t help his return€™s relevancy.
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Student, podcast host and editor, WWE enthusiast to say the least. After so many years watching WWE and discussing about it online, I have some knowledge about this particular field. Newcomer to the world of written publications.