WWE: 7 Memorable Heel Victories At WrestleMania

2. WrestleMania 10 - Owen Hart Beats Bret

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SJBke4IKew When two brothers go at it, the assumption is that they are going to have good chemistry because they know each other's styles better than somebody else would. However, when Owen Hart met his older brother Bret it wasn't about having a competitive match. It was about the win. The story was perfect with Owen as the jealous younger brother that wasn't yet a top guy. Bret was already a World Champion and considered the top babyface on the roster at that point. Owen was just another guy. This was the biggest match of his life. Stories in wrestling are better when the win matters more. That's what should always matter, but sometimes you watch a match and it really doesn't matter. When Owen beat Bret clean in the center of the ring after a counter it was the perfect ending to one of the greatest technical wrestling matches ever. If Bret won, it would have been just another match. Since Owen won, it was a really big deal and it made him a bigger star. That's why it was smart to have the heel win this match. It also set up a long feud between the two because Owen went on to win King of the Ring and they headlined SummerSlam together in an awesome steel cage match. The image of Owen staring down Bret as the other babyfaces on the roster were celebrating Bret's title win is one of those great WrestleMania moments. The booking was brilliant.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.