WWE: 7 Reasons To Be Excited (And Nervous) Over Daniel Bryan's Heel Turn

1. It Could Turn All Beardy-weirdy

Beardbryan Yes. Yes. We've seen it all before when it goes wrong for the WWE and its factions. The ECW/WCW Invasion, The Nexus, Punk's Straight Edge Society and plenty more. The WWE has always been great at starting storylines like these, at exciting and motivating us so that we keep coming back for more. Often these top level stories that promise so much can leave us feeling a little disheartened and deflated at the end. There's so much promise in this, but if history is anything to go by, I perhaps shouldn't be this excited just yet. As stated, where these storylines have failed there were weak characters without real fan connection - while the ECW/WCW Invasion had Stone Cold, Booker T and Angle at the centre on both sides, there were also guys like Justin Credible, Hugh Morrus and Lance Storm to figure out a plan for, and as good as those guys might have been technically, they just weren't good showmen. The WWE has historically always pushed bigger dudes (aside from the recent experiments with Punk and DB), and that has meant that sometimes the wrong guys get the breaks that others should have - in 2013, it was Lesnar and Orton over Bryan, with the Straight-Edge Society it was Gallows over like a dozen other guys who could've done a better job, and with The Invasion it was the likes of Mike Awesome and Sean O'Haire getting decent matches and regular TV time over Raven and Billy Kidman. I digress. The point is that in 2014, The Wyatts have the crowd and they're going to rebel against the WWE's system and "the machine" (hopefully), they (Bryan and Bray specifically) have the talent both on and off of the mic to see this story go the distance. Fingers crossed.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrI_WvlHkkM&feature=youtu.be What do you think? Will this end up being another step in the rise and rise of Daniel Bryan, or just something else to keep him busy on TV, and to appease the fans while a whole other World Title picture takes shape? Have The Wyatts done too much too quickly, and can they live up to the hype that they're creating for themselves with Bryan now seemingly a full-time part of the fold?

Soundspheremag.com editor. Also marketing and PR manager for The Creative Condition (@conditiontweets), a disabled entrepreneur, and huge wrestling fan. Thanks for reading!